Standards Association Of Zimbabwe - Destination Inspection

Thank you for the enquiry. SAZ offers destination inspection for goods which have arrived at ports of entry without the necessary Pre-shipment Inspection CoC in accordance with SI124:2020 and we confirm our ability to do the inspection at ports of entry as we have inspectors on site.


We work from Monday to Friday. Therefore, all things being equal we should be able to inspect within 48 hours to 72 hours and issue a certificate based on findings. But we also stand guided by you. If you are ready. We can do same day service once payments are confirmed.

Request for Inspections and Payments

Please use the SAZ Portal to lodge requests for inspections. This will be quicker and more traceable than emails.

For First Time Users

1. After following the link select Inspection Request under Goods Inspection. Register an account using your email and details of your company as the clearing agent or as an individual, user credentials (password) will be sent to the email address used for registration. (this account can be used for future requests)

2. Log into your account (using your email account and the password sent to you) and under Goods inspection select Request for inspection.

3. Populate or complete all the fields with ACCURATE INFORMATION! (ie details and names as provided on your invoice)

NB: i)Country of Supply is the country where the consignment is coming from ii) Invoice amount is the total consignment value (total invoice amount) iii) Invoice Date format; strictly date/ month/year eg 23/06/2023.

4. Add the products that require inspection on the Add Product option always select the option Other except if it is a Motor Vehicle/Trailer in which case you can only select the option Motor vehicle as the product.

– [Add different products on separate lines by clicking add product on each new line], always put description of the goods and the exact quantity, and the relevant HS-Code

5. Upload shipment documents (Invoices and Airway bills or tracking number of the shipment for access to your products) and other important documents on the Add Files option

NB- Check your application details for any errors (please do recheck your details and if you have left any products for inspection. Certificates shall not be amended to add any additional goods for inspection, in such cases where goods have been left out, another application shall be done with another payment )

6. Upon completion the last Submit option will turn blue, click on it and your application is complete.

A quote will then be issued with banking details on the portal (in your account) check under My Tasks option. Payment can be done online or offline by uploading the bank POP. The payments are strictly in US$.

For payment, whilst on the portal go to your dashboard My Tasks, select Perform task on the awaiting payment message. Go to quotations and upload the payment (Logistics + Mandatory fee) 

– After clicking make payment on the either mandatory or logistics fee, click on PAY, select offline payment, click choose file (select the Bank POP) After a green preview pop ups, click submit

NB: Do this on each of the two fields – (1st) Mandatory

and (2nd) Logistics. (Failure to do this on the two fields will result in doing the application process again.

, if you have combined the amounts use the same proof of payment twice.

Once payments are confirmed, we will assign an inspector.

The CBCA certificate of Conformity /Non-Conformity will be under My Certificate option once all the inspection procedures are done, click on the green eye icon to view your Certificate.

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